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SVN Canada / Fuel

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604 Friends, Dating, and Personals

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First Canadian Barter Exchange Inc.

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Walia Communications

Roster Spotlight: Moondog Manson
Moondog Manson
Name: Moondog Manson
Pro Wrestler Home Town: The Wilds of Canada
Height: 5'10 Weight: 320 lbs.
Years Experience: 7 Joined PWC: March 1st, 2004
      A true disciple of the "Moondog" tradition in pro wrestling, this former powerlifting champion has become one of the cult heroes of indy wrestling. His bizarre antics and wild bouts have earned him a place as a leading hardcore contender everywhere he has wrestled. A mainstay of the PNW scene, Manson has carved a path from ECCW and All Star Wrestling in BC all the way down the west coast APW. His feuds with the likes of Billy Two Eagles, Leatherface, Matt Borne, Notorious TID and Ladies Choice have brought fans to their feet and officials to their wits end as they try to control the wild brawling, chair swinging, table breaking action.

The PWC Roster from A-Z
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Akam Singh
Name: Akam Singh
Pro Wrestler Home Town: Merrit, BC
Height: 6'0 Weight: 227 lbs.
Years Experience: Joined PWC:
      Akam is the younger brother of Gama Singh, and is part of Karachi Vice along with Cobra Singh. Definitely uses his speed to out wrestle his opponents which gives Karachi Vice the stability it needs with the Experience of Gama and the power of Cobra.

Bad News Allen
Name: Bad News Allen
broadcaster/host Home Town: Harlem, New York
Height: 6'2 Weight: 255 lbs.
Years Experience: 27 Joined PWC:
      Born and raised in Harlem Bad News Allen is by far one of the toughest men to ever enter the squared circle. His toughness and demeanour began well before he broke into the wrestling scene having competed in Judo for 15 years where he took bronze at the 1976 Montreal Olympics and won two straight gold medals at the Pan-American games. He started training to become a pro wrestler with New Japan Pro Wrestling on October 23, 1977. Bad News has fought and cripple men on every continent and left fear in their memories which will last a lifetime. Though now retired he actively seeks talent to manage so he can continue to bring the gold home. For the time being he has opted to take a seat behind a monitor and watch the action and provide colour commentary for the PWC fans.

Beautiful Bruce
Name: Beautiful Bruce
Manager Home Town: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Height: 4'7 Weight: 90 lbs.
Years Experience: 7 Joined PWC:
      He is pound for pound absolutely the biggest threat in PWC. He led the heterosexually challenged �Lover boy� Johnny Canuck, and �Gorgeous� Michelle Starr to numerous singles and tag titles while he managed them. After the Davie Street Connection broke up he continued to manage Michelle Starr. Over time they went their separate ways which saw �Beautiful� Bruce became the smallest referee in Canadian History. Being the smallest ref had it�s drawbacks as Bruce slowly lost all the respect he had earned being the true vicious little man that he is. Well fast forward to 2004 �Gorgeous� Michelle Starr and �Beautiful� Bruce are back together, and is planning taking PWC by the buns.

Brian Sommers
Name: Brian Sommers
Manager Home Town: Port Coquitlam, BC
Height: 5'9 Weight: 225 lbs.
Years Experience: 3 Joined PWC:
      There is no denying that Brian Sommers has the magic to lead any athlete to a title reign, but for the most part his ego and arrogance end up costing his talent many wins. Will Brian Sommers get himself in check in Pro Wrestling Canada, well that�s some thing only time will tell? He is coming in with a clean slate and now talent, you can be guaranteed he will be at every show either looking for his future star or sizing up the competition.

Bruiser Lexxx Bastein
Name: Bruiser Lexxx Bastein
Pro Wrestler Home Town: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Height: 5'10 Weight: 222 lbs.
Years Experience: 14 Joined PWC:
      "The largest arms in the West", proclaims the posedown king. This colorful ring ruffian was brought into the game after meeting Chi Chi Cruz, and had memorable battles in the early stages of his career with Cruz and other Canadian newbies like Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, the late Mike Lozanski, Stan Saxon and Gene Swan. "I would beat them, hurt them, pin them and pose over their battered bodies. Now I am even better. My tan is superior, my training regimen more complete, and I am a ring general. A Title Belt is going to adorn my beautiful body and fans will cheer that moment."

Chi Chi Cruz
Name: Chi Chi Cruz
Pro Wrestler Home Town: East LA, California
Height: 6'1 Weight: 237 lbs.
Years Experience: 18 Joined PWC:
      Having wrestled all over Canada and other parts of the world, Chi Chi Cruz brings his main event quality to the table. He has held dozens of titles across Canada, including in 1990 when he held the Atlantic Grand Prix tag titles with the late Bulldog Bob Brown. His attitude towards the wrestling business reflects that of Pro Wrestling Canada, to him this is a perfect place to make home.

Chief Billy Two Eagles
Name: Chief Billy Two Eagles
Pro Wrestler Home Town: San Antonio, Texas
Height: 5'10 Weight: 225 lbs.
Years Experience: 26 Joined PWC:
      Originally from San Antonio, Texas, and now resides in Oregon. If you have ever seen this man wrestle live you know about his legendary hands, they by far possess the strongest chops ever seen to man. This 26 year veteran has wrestled all over the world giving each and every opponent one of the toughest fights of their lives. His people are proud people, proud of his success and proud of every match he wins. Billy is showing no sign of age other than his increased toughness and his increased love for the sport he broke into at the age of fifteen.

Dirty Dan Denton
Name: Dirty Dan Denton
Pro Wrestler Home Town: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5'11 Weight: 300 lbs.
Years Experience: 20 Joined PWC:
      Pro Wrestler turned Business man. This Winnipeg native can now be found on the fast tracks of the LA scene in the Film Industry. Most noted is his Documentary "BC Bodyslams" that recieved great reviews at the famous Sundance Film Festival. Though mostly retired from the wrestling game he still comes back from time to time to kick in a few heads and show the boys who the real man is. Rumour has it he will be up in Vancouver very soon to drink a few bottles of Crown Royal with a good friend of his.

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